
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ribbon Challenge!

Each month, Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessings has a craft challenge. This month it's ribbon-and I do love me my ribbon-right up there with fabric :) I never leave Michael's without a few spools.
I thought I'd join in this month and share some projects I've finished using ribbon. I wanted to do a new one too but this week has been crazy again-I don't think I'm going to have any extra time until softball and soccer are finished. Softball is putting me over the edge-my 12 yr old has 3 games a week -all on weekdays! But, back to the good stuff.....
One of my favorite things to do with ribbon is decorate tshirts. I made this ribbon shirt last summer for my 8 yr old to wear on the 4th of July-so quick and easy, but unique! I use Wonder Tape when I make mine and it's awesome. I've tried to do it without and it did not work at all!!

My other favorite thing to make with ribbon is hair accessories. Here's a few bows and headbands I've made. The girls love them and they make great gifts. The headbands are great because you can work on them anywhere once you get them started. Now, I should really use some of my ribbon stash to make a bow holder!

I also used ribbon on the jewelry hanger I made for my daughter for Christmas and decorated some frames with some ribbon scraps.

Check out some other great, creative ribbon projects. I've gotten lots of new ideas!!


Melissa said...

I am going to have to make some headbands. So cute. Good idea for t-shirts. I bet the ribbon could cover a few stains for me.

Courtney said...

Fun! Great job on the projects!

Carly said...

I love those headbands! Too cute!

Tanielle said...

What great ideas!!! Thanks for sharing them, love the headbands!

Heidi Boos said...

Yay! Dawn, I'm so happy you joined in this month!! These are some great ideas...I am loving the ribbon shirt. Would you be able to fill me in on just a little more detail or is it really as simple as it looks? ;)

Cute headbands. I would definitely make some of these if my daughter would just keep them on her head! Maybe in a few years when she starts to care about "style". ;)

Thanks for coming to the party! Happy Thursday!

Amy said...

Looks great to me. Have a great day. I am doing a Round Robin if you want to stop by tomorrow.

Mama King said...

Love the ribbon shirt and headbands!

Anonymous said...

The ribbon shirt is great. Are there any more steps or basically just use the wonder tape? Love it!

Xazmin said...

I love all 3! I really want to learn how to make those headbands, but I'm too lazy!

Tara said...

Love bows!!! always a great place to use ribbon... ;o)

Annikke said...

That shirt is so cute.... I never thought to use ribbon on a shirt!

Rhonda said...

I love the ribbon shirt...never thought to do that! Adorable!

Kris said...

Wonder tape is one of my best friends! :) Everything looks so cute Dawn!

Three Prince Designs said...

Adorable items!! Great job!

Mimi said...

Great ideas!

Thanks for stopping by my blog & helping to make my SITS day special!

Dawn said...

Shelley-Through a mother's eyes-the wonder tape holds the ribbon down and keeps the tshirt from stretching. It's in place of pins. Other than that, you just have to open the side seams and once I have the ribbon where I want it with the tape on the back, I sew it with a straight stitch, some people use a zig zag. Then tuck the tape in the seam and sew up the seam. I have one to make for my daughter now, just deciding on the ribbon, I could take pictures if you're interested.

Lisa said...

I so want to figure out how to make cute hairbows like that. I love putting bows on the baby, even though she isn't crazy about them.