glittery ones! I keep forgetting to post a picture of the snowmen my girls made the day we had no power-now known as the day with the longest morning ever :) I really can not and should not complain though-we had people around us without power for more than a week and schools that just never went back and started Christmas vacation in mid Decemeber. We had a warm spell over the weekend so all our snow is gone now but sounds like we're in for a few storms this week. I found the idea for these snowmen on No Time For Flashcards and just noticed that this project made their top 10 list which reminded me to share. You can find the directions here They were fun to make and look cute on our window. I did this with 4 different ages-3 to 11-it was easily adaptable. Gotta love glitter!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Birthday Gift
My 8 yr old had a birthday party today for a good friend. I made her a tshirt with her intitial on it using How to Applique the Easy Way Very simple and easy. This is the third shirt I've made and I love to do it plus it makes a special gift. I also made her two headbands using the free pattern for headbands. Also very easy and simple. I started it all this morning and finished before the 1:00 party-just barely, but I did! And that was in between opening all the Polly Pockets the girls got from my mom yesterday :) I wanted to make a few more headbands and a bag to put it in but didn't have time. I thought I would have more sewing time this past weekend but it was too busy. I had all the supplies except the tshirt and I got that at Walmart for $4.00. I think I'm going to be doing this for birthday parties since buying gifts adds up when you have 3 girls attending parties.
Just want to add in-the birthday girl loved her shirt-her mom did too! She was wearing the Valentine's Day headband when I got there to pick up my daughter and tried on the other one for me too. I'm glad she liked it so much.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My last gifts
I am finished with my gift crafting. I finished 3 frames for our friends' children last night. I used the directions from the YCMT blog The first two are for girls-an 8 yr old and an 11 year old. The second is for a boy in 8th grade. I was happy with the way they all turned out but psyched that the one for the boy turned out so cool. I went to our local scrapbook store and they had scrap paper for our high school/jr high. He plays on the jr high soccer team so it's perfect. I was very excited. I finished all these in a day and that's working on them here and there whenever I had a free moment. The orange and blue one had some bumps in it and buttons work wonders to cover any problems.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sweet 16 Duet Apron
My neice turned 16 yesterday and we had a family party for her tonight. We had more snow today so I almost thought we weren't going to be able to make it. We decided to start out and then just turn around if the roads were too bad. We made it! She loves to cook-she made all her birthday party treats- so I made her an apron to go with the rest of her present. I finished it about 15 minutes before we left-talk about close :) She liked it and smiled when she realized what it was. I'm glad I was able to give her a little something special, just for her, and although I spent all day finishing it up, it was worth it.
P.S. Kris-I stuck the check in the pocket just like you suggested and then wrapped it all up :)
The icing on the cake...
I won a prize in the Thrifty Under Fifty challenge! I'm so excited! Thank you again to for this wonderful experience. Time to go pick out some patterns :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thrifty Wrapping
Snow, snow and more snow here so the girls were home from school again today. As soon as my 3 yr old saw the snow, she said "is it Christmas?". We made candy for their teachers' gifts and worked on wrapping them. The candy is so easy. It's one big bar of almond bark (I can only find it at Walmart around here, but I don't have many stores near me) and one jar of peanuts. You melt the bar of chocolate, add the peanuts and mix it all up. Then you just use a spoon and plop spoonfuls on wax paper. Put it in the frig and let it harden. It's delicious-we had to sample some, of course. I sampled more than some :) The girls liked licking the spoons and bowl.
We worked on wrapping next. We took brown paper bags and cut up pieces of fabric. I used a bowl to draw a circle on the bag and the girls glued the squares of fabric around to look like a wreath. I cut red felt circles for berries. I'm going to cut two holes near the top of the wreath/bag and use ribbon to close the bag and also be the bow of the wreath. The girls really got into this project. The first picture is my 3 yr old's bag-she was so funny-she just glued away the whole time. I didn't notice until afterwards that my 8 yr old drew doors behind her wreaths-too funny. I think they came out so cute and will look even cuter when tied with ribbon. Best of all-$0. I had all the supplies.

P.S. In the second picture, you can see the snow falling outside the window. You can also see the bottoms of the snowmen we made the day we had no power. I'll have to post a picture of them. They came out cute, were easy, and best of all-have glitter!!!!
We worked on wrapping next. We took brown paper bags and cut up pieces of fabric. I used a bowl to draw a circle on the bag and the girls glued the squares of fabric around to look like a wreath. I cut red felt circles for berries. I'm going to cut two holes near the top of the wreath/bag and use ribbon to close the bag and also be the bow of the wreath. The girls really got into this project. The first picture is my 3 yr old's bag-she was so funny-she just glued away the whole time. I didn't notice until afterwards that my 8 yr old drew doors behind her wreaths-too funny. I think they came out so cute and will look even cuter when tied with ribbon. Best of all-$0. I had all the supplies.
P.S. In the second picture, you can see the snow falling outside the window. You can also see the bottoms of the snowmen we made the day we had no power. I'll have to post a picture of them. They came out cute, were easy, and best of all-have glitter!!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Fabric Flower Pin
I'm sorry, I forgot to include the tutorial for the pin. I followed this tutorial I also found this one It was fun to make and can't wait to make some more to spiff up my wardrobe.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Four more gifts completed
Here's the four gifts I finished last night. The two aprons are for my 8 yr old and 5 year old and use this pattern It was very easy to make, directions were great and they are so cute! I'm going to make the adult version for my neice who is turning 16. She loves to cook and I want to give her something special since it's her 16th birthday. I'll put it with her gift of money :) The two key fobs are for my 8 year old's Brownie leaders. I used this tutorial (scroll to the bottom) If I had more D rings in the house I would have kept going last night and made more. You just need a little fabric, interfacing or ribbon, a D ring and a split ring.
I can't believe the challenge is over-feels like it just started. I feel very honored to have been a part of a great group of people. Thank you to and Kim for having the challenge and inviting me. Thank you to Kris for being such a great leader who always left very supportive, motivational messages for us even when a certain 3 year old cut a project up :) Thanks too to the other leaders-even though we had different teams, everyone was sharing and very supportive. Lastly, thanks to all the members of Team Kris for always being there-glad I got to know all of you-and to all the thrifty fifty-it's a great group of people.
I didn't quite get to finish all the gifts on my list so stayed tuned for more projects, pictures and sharing!
I can't believe the challenge is over-feels like it just started. I feel very honored to have been a part of a great group of people. Thank you to and Kim for having the challenge and inviting me. Thank you to Kris for being such a great leader who always left very supportive, motivational messages for us even when a certain 3 year old cut a project up :) Thanks too to the other leaders-even though we had different teams, everyone was sharing and very supportive. Lastly, thanks to all the members of Team Kris for always being there-glad I got to know all of you-and to all the thrifty fifty-it's a great group of people.
I didn't quite get to finish all the gifts on my list so stayed tuned for more projects, pictures and sharing!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Getting down to the final stretch....
Just a few pictures before I start dinner. I was able to get some things done today with the kids home. My 8 yr old went to a friend's, my 11 yr old had a friend over and the baby took two good naps. I finished the fabric flower pin for my sister. I had to put the button on. I made the squares 4X4, maybe next time I'll make them 3x3. I'm going to make some for myself because I wear alot of plain colored tshirts. The bib is reversible-with my son's initial appliqued on one side. I used this YCMT ebook I have 4 more things to finish up. Sorry, just realized I didn't turn the bib pictures.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
8 Key chain wallets and a necklace holder
I finished 5 more wallets so that brings me to the 8 I needed for teachers and aides. I also worked on my daughter's necklace holder. It's all done except for the hooks and I'm not sure where my husband put them. I'll do them tonight after the kids go to bed. I also am 97% finished with a child's duet apron. I just have to sew the waistband. The apron was so easy! Doesn't take long at all.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Another gift
I got the idea for this ornament when I was looking at Audry's blog She had cute gloves that she had decorated with bows (an idea I hope to also copy). Last night my 11 yr old and I traced her hand on felt. I cut it out, cut the hole out and glued it together with the picture in the middle. I sewed across the top first to put the ribbon. Then I tacked a bow on to the top. I'm tracing the other kids' hands now to add their school pictures. I've got a couple different ribbons to use. I had the felt and ribbon. Just got school pictures in so another project for $0. I know my mom will love it too. I've got to get my sister to copy her kids' hands on paper and send them to me with their pictures. We always do presents to my mom together from both families so I'll wrap them all together. Can't wait to have her open it!!!
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.....
Here's the pieces I cut out for my 3 yr old's felt board last night. I need to get some black and orange felt so I can cut out some eyes and a nose. I'll probably add a few more scarves too. I also saw somewhere that they used what looked like eyelash yarn for garland for the felt tree so I'm going to try that too. I have some silver upstairs from Halloween. I think I'll only do one scene for now so she's not overwhelmed and then we can add on whenever we want. If you have any other ideas for things to go with the snowman or tree, let me know. I'd love to hear them.
Have a wonderful Saturday!!! I'll be back with more pictures. My oldest daughter and I thought of a neat Christmas ornament for my mom last night to use their school pictures. I got the idea while looking at the YCMT blog.
Friday, December 12, 2008
No electricity and no school......
makes one cranky momma who did get anything done on her list this morning! We lost power during the night and got it back around 12 this afternoon due to a huge ice storm. Boy, you don't realize how dependent you are on electricity. I couldn't even use my cell phone because all the circuits were busy so I felt so isolated. We did some crafts, read, played some games, but the girls were real cranky. It was a loooonnnnggggg morning!
On a good note, I didn't get a memory stick for my camera (well, that's not the good thing). We have to order it-guess I've got my first antique-my digital camera :) But, I have been searching my house for the camera box that I stored everything in for the memory stick that came with it. Luckily, I mentioned to my husband last night about where it might be and he said I wonder if it's in my old camera bag. Lo and behold there it was so I present......

On a good note, I didn't get a memory stick for my camera (well, that's not the good thing). We have to order it-guess I've got my first antique-my digital camera :) But, I have been searching my house for the camera box that I stored everything in for the memory stick that came with it. Luckily, I mentioned to my husband last night about where it might be and he said I wonder if it's in my old camera bag. Lo and behold there it was so I present......
I used this free pattern for a door hanger from My sister and brother in law have a black terrier that's about 1 yr old. Since I don't know how to embroider, I was trying to think of something else I could do and thought of this. I made the dog out of felt and stitched it on the muslin. I had the felt, Christmas fabric and ribbon. I had a pillow in my closet upstairs that had come with a slipcover. I never used the pillow but hadn't gotten rid of it. I cut it open and used the stuffing as I had none. So, one door hanger, $0. Yeah!!!
I'm chugging away on wallets and other presents and will post more pictures later. Got to get back to sewing before the movie is over. Yes, I put a movie in after my morning :) I needed it!
P.S. I know the bow is not tied neatly-I'll do that before I give it :) Also, if you noticed I didn't finish hand stitching the opening, pretend you didn't-I tried last night and gave up, I was too tired.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Update and why 3 yr olds and scissors don't mix
I finished the door hanger for my sister/brother in law and my kids all knew what the picture was-good sign. I had all the fabric/felt and ribbon. I had a pillow in my closet upstairs that had come with a slipcover. I never used it but didn't want to throw it away. I cut it open and used the stuffing inside to stuff the door hanger. I have to say I was pretty proud of myself. One door hanger present $0 - even prouder :) Pictures to follow if I get my memory stick and it's the right one :)
My 3 yr old is now confined to the kitchen/living room after going into the dining room aka my sewing room and cutting one of the teacher's keychain wallets with my scissors. Bummer. At least it happened now and not the week school was getting out. Now I know not to leave my memory stick in the computer and to put my scissors up high and leave the gates up. She's so quick-I should have made her come with me while I changed the baby!
I've been checking out all the blogs for the Thrifty under Fifty and I just want to say I am blown away by all the awesome, creative presents people have made for little or no money. I've gotten some great ideas, suggestions and help. Thank you to everyone.
My 3 yr old is now confined to the kitchen/living room after going into the dining room aka my sewing room and cutting one of the teacher's keychain wallets with my scissors. Bummer. At least it happened now and not the week school was getting out. Now I know not to leave my memory stick in the computer and to put my scissors up high and leave the gates up. She's so quick-I should have made her come with me while I changed the baby!
I've been checking out all the blogs for the Thrifty under Fifty and I just want to say I am blown away by all the awesome, creative presents people have made for little or no money. I've gotten some great ideas, suggestions and help. Thank you to everyone.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pictures coming soon!
My husband is getting a new memory stick for the camera today. It wasn't in the computer :( I've looked around the house a bit but haven't seen it. Next time, I'll know to take it right out of the computer and not leave it around. We have Brownies tonight but I hope to get some pictures up. Have a great day!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sorry no pictures
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was busy with Santa Breakfast at school and basketball games. We decorated our Christmas tree today and had our first snowfall! The girls loved it. Everyone is in bed now and hubby just went out to get a carmelized onion pizza for us-what a way to end the weekend :)
I just realized this afternoon that I can't take any pictures of my projects-waaaaa. Our computer is out with one of my dh's techs being fixed....again.....we've been having trouble since the summer. We got it back last week, it was up for a few days and then down again. While it was up, I had taken the picture of the pink wallet and I think I may have left my memory stick in the computer when dh took it to his tech. At least, I'm hoping that's where it is, I'm also thinking that my 3 yr old may have gotten a hold of it and that probably means I won't find it for a long while and I'll be out buying a new one. My fault, I should have taken it out right away. Hopefully, we'll be getting the computer back tomorrow, even if we don't, I'll find out if it's in there or not.
So, I hope to have pictures of my projects tomorrow. Can't wait to share the door hanger for my sister/brother in law. My mom loved the flower pin I made for my sister and I'm cranking out those wallets :)
I just realized this afternoon that I can't take any pictures of my projects-waaaaa. Our computer is out with one of my dh's techs being fixed....again.....we've been having trouble since the summer. We got it back last week, it was up for a few days and then down again. While it was up, I had taken the picture of the pink wallet and I think I may have left my memory stick in the computer when dh took it to his tech. At least, I'm hoping that's where it is, I'm also thinking that my 3 yr old may have gotten a hold of it and that probably means I won't find it for a long while and I'll be out buying a new one. My fault, I should have taken it out right away. Hopefully, we'll be getting the computer back tomorrow, even if we don't, I'll find out if it's in there or not.
So, I hope to have pictures of my projects tomorrow. Can't wait to share the door hanger for my sister/brother in law. My mom loved the flower pin I made for my sister and I'm cranking out those wallets :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another wallet-easy peasy!
I finished the third wallet (link in post below) for teachers' gifts. The girls have their fabric picked out for the next couple. It's funny how they look through the fabric and start picking-this is for Mrs. N, this for Mrs. G., they know just what they want for each teacher. Some of my girls liked to pick 2 fabrics, my second only wanted one fabric for both sides. They seem very excited about giving them.
I've also decided the extra little gift I want to give to my sister. She was here on Saturday and had a grey swing jacket on with a rosy colored shirt underneath. Both with no pattern. I'm going to make her a flower fabric pin with a pretty grey/pink Amy Butler print I have. I'll just have to get a pin back. I have stuff to make covered buttons so I could add one of those too. I'm going to keep making wallets and also want to start the pin. I need a day by myself with no laundry, cooking, cleaning, back and forths to school, aaaahhhh-sounds like heaven :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Da Da Da Da Da Dahhhhh!
I finished my first two projects!
I started with the teachers' gifts-the Aivilo Key Chain Pouch Wallet I've finished with two of them and have another almost done. It's very quick and easy-I think getting the wallet ready to topstitch all the way around was the part that took me the longest and that didn't even take long. I didn't get to sit down and do it all at once, so I'm not sure the exact time it took me, but it wasn't much. The directions were very clear with all the measurements spelled out, pictures were great and I loved how you got everything ready first and then did all the sewing. Not back and forth from the iron to the sewing machine. I often end up doing something else while I'm going back and forth. I'm very happy with them, my girls loved them and have already picked out more fabric, and I think they will come in handy for the teachers. I don't think I've ever had teacher gifts ready so early. I'm usually running out the day before vacation starts to get gift cards.
I had the fabric and velcro for these wallets. I had to purchase the split rings and interfacing. All together, each wallet cost 52 cents. Waaahooooo! I also had the fabric (an Amy Butler print) and velcro for the one that is almost done so for three wallets, it will cost me $1.56. For the rest of the wallets, I had to by more velcro so they'll cost me a bit more. Even if I had to buy the fabric, these wallets do not cost much at all-still a bargain if you are buying all the supplies!
Yummy, Yummy
This post does not have to do with the Thrifty under Fifty-I will be back soon with a picture though :) Let me get the kids to bed. I wanted to share this recipe with you for cheesy potato soup that I made tonight-so good, so yummy, so perfect for a rainy, sleety, cold night. We sprinkled bacon and onion on it. Even better. Here's the recipe from Little Birdie Secrets blog. Thank you so much for sharing. Check out the bread bowls she also shows you how to make-I'm doing that next time!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Almost done!
I made my first trip for supplies on Wednesday night-JoAnn's. I needed interfacing (none in the stash) and split rings for the wallet/key chain. I still have to add up what it cost for these supplies but I think I did pretty good. I had some coupons and the split rings were on sale.
I started on the Aivilo Key Chain Pouch Wallet for teachers gifts. Here it is Almost done so stayed tuned for the finished product. I'm using some Sandy Henderson Ginger Blossom that I had in my stash. It does not take much fabric at all and is great for leftovers-you only need small piece of fabric.

I'll be back soon to show off my wallets-the baby is a bit cranky with a molar coming in but he's getting tired and hopefully will be napping soon. Dh took the girls out so it's sewing time for mom!!
I started on the Aivilo Key Chain Pouch Wallet for teachers gifts. Here it is Almost done so stayed tuned for the finished product. I'm using some Sandy Henderson Ginger Blossom that I had in my stash. It does not take much fabric at all and is great for leftovers-you only need small piece of fabric.

I'll be back soon to show off my wallets-the baby is a bit cranky with a molar coming in but he's getting tired and hopefully will be napping soon. Dh took the girls out so it's sewing time for mom!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Forgot 2 special people
I realized last night, during the night when I should have been , really wanted to be sleeping, that I forgot two very special people on my Christmas list-Rachel's brownie leaders. Both of these ladies are wonderful and giving with the girls and do many awesome activities with them. One leader has a home daycare-I don't know how she is so patient with all the Brownies after being with kids all day at home. I like to be around her because it makes me a better person. So, for both of them, I will probably do the same gift as the teachers-wristlet or wallet. I'm thinking of adding in some candy that my sister made last year. It was easy to make and yummy! I'll double check with her and then share the recipe with everyone. If you can even call it a recipe, you don't even have to use the stove-well you could but we used the microwave. You know-professional cooks :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This is the first copy of my list-probably will be some changes as I go along but here's what I'm thinking right now.
My kids-I would like to make each of them at least one thing myself-something special, if I have time for more I'll be real psyched, but if I can at least do one for each this year, next year, I'll add on.
Sarah-I'm thinking some kind of necklace holder-they just don't do well in a jewelry box and she loves her accessories. I'm thinking maybe a frame of some kind with those little tea cup holder screw thingies-as you can tell, not my area of expertise. I found her some necklaces at Aeropostale on clearance and although I have made a necklace before, I need lots of practice in that area.
Rachel- apron to go with cupcake making stuff
Mary-doll clothes maybe, apron, not sure
Claire-felt board with accessories
Zack-applique outfit, bibs
Sister in law and brother in law (Mary's godparents, we just do godparents for dh's side of family) some kind of ornament
Friend, husband, 3 kids (2 girls, one boy) (Claire's godparents) I'd like to do the duet aprons for my friend and her 2 girls in matching fabric
8 teachers-this is where this challenge comes in handy for me, I've always given the teachers gift certificates but that was easy when I only had 1 or 2, I just can't do it this year. I'm thinking some kind of wallet, wristlet, maybe a tote
My mom-I'd like to do some kind of ornament with the kids pictures
My sister-we purchase each of our families yearly museum memberships as our gifts to each other, we started this 2 yrs ago because our kids got so much, we go through the year together to different places, I'd like to make her something special though
So that's what I have so far, thanks for reading so much, if you have any suggestions, I'd love them. I love seeing what you are all giving for gifts. I've gotten lots of ideas from everyone in the Thrifty under Fifty group-everyone is sharing some really great ideas.
I've got fabric soaking now and I'm going to throw it in the dryer so I can get started sewing tomorrow. Right now, I'm exhausted, the baby was up at 4 this morning-a bit too early in my book :) Of course, he fell back to sleep. I wasn't so lucky. Have a great night!
My kids-I would like to make each of them at least one thing myself-something special, if I have time for more I'll be real psyched, but if I can at least do one for each this year, next year, I'll add on.
Sarah-I'm thinking some kind of necklace holder-they just don't do well in a jewelry box and she loves her accessories. I'm thinking maybe a frame of some kind with those little tea cup holder screw thingies-as you can tell, not my area of expertise. I found her some necklaces at Aeropostale on clearance and although I have made a necklace before, I need lots of practice in that area.
Rachel- apron to go with cupcake making stuff
Mary-doll clothes maybe, apron, not sure
Claire-felt board with accessories
Zack-applique outfit, bibs
Sister in law and brother in law (Mary's godparents, we just do godparents for dh's side of family) some kind of ornament
Friend, husband, 3 kids (2 girls, one boy) (Claire's godparents) I'd like to do the duet aprons for my friend and her 2 girls in matching fabric
8 teachers-this is where this challenge comes in handy for me, I've always given the teachers gift certificates but that was easy when I only had 1 or 2, I just can't do it this year. I'm thinking some kind of wallet, wristlet, maybe a tote
My mom-I'd like to do some kind of ornament with the kids pictures
My sister-we purchase each of our families yearly museum memberships as our gifts to each other, we started this 2 yrs ago because our kids got so much, we go through the year together to different places, I'd like to make her something special though
So that's what I have so far, thanks for reading so much, if you have any suggestions, I'd love them. I love seeing what you are all giving for gifts. I've gotten lots of ideas from everyone in the Thrifty under Fifty group-everyone is sharing some really great ideas.
I've got fabric soaking now and I'm going to throw it in the dryer so I can get started sewing tomorrow. Right now, I'm exhausted, the baby was up at 4 this morning-a bit too early in my book :) Of course, he fell back to sleep. I wasn't so lucky. Have a great night!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thrifty under Fifty

I am so excited-and honored-to be chosen to be part of the Thrifty under Fifty challenge. There are 50 participants with 5 leaders-I am, of course, on the best team-Go Team Kris! :) No really, it's a great group of people that are really into sharing ideas and helping each other out, no matter what the team. This contest is to see how many gifts-hopefully all-you can make for under $50. I'm psyched to make up my list for gifts and get going. I have lots of fabric in my stash and it's just waiting to be made into some awesome gifts! You can follow along on my blog to see my progress. There will be prizes for those that follow along with the challenge so stay tuned.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Testing 1, 2, 3
Beep, Beep
This is a test of whether or not I can set up a blog :) something I know nothing about. I love to read blogs-there are so many awesome ones out there-but I'd never thought about how to set one up myself.
Short and sweet for the first post. I want to see if this works...... I need instant gratification and I'm too impatient :)
This is a test of whether or not I can set up a blog :) something I know nothing about. I love to read blogs-there are so many awesome ones out there-but I'd never thought about how to set one up myself.
Short and sweet for the first post. I want to see if this works...... I need instant gratification and I'm too impatient :)
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